SVI Toolset

SVI Toolset app is to connect to SV Ignition from OEM.Digital via BluetoothLE Unlike Hand-held-dyno app on Android and iOS, this app only for the SV ICU. Your computer must have Bluetooth turn on to use this app.

Please Visit for more information about SV Ignition

First Run



Disclaimer: This software provided as-is. No guarantee for your computer or your bike that runs on SV Ignition. Please use this software with caution especially in Dyno version. Wrong configuration of the firing angle in Dyno mode can lead to knocking and blowing your engine up. If you kickstart your bike while using Dyno mode, it can end very badly with heavy injuries on your leg. You are warned!

Capture diagnostic signal from pickup

The ICU will capture 10 crankshaft revolutions each time [Run Diagnostic]


Dyno Mode

The Dyno mode is very useful for bike tuning on a dyno. The factory ignition map may not be the best. There are 9 built-in maps to select from. With this mode, you can deviate a built-in map by upto 5° advance or retard. This is done in real time while the bike on dyno

Dyno Mode

Change Fire Angle

To unlock Dyno mode, please contact your SV Ignition provider.

Check Fire Angle

This is a free app to use with SV Ignition for basic user
Only available for Win7, Win10, Win11 (64bit version)
It requires .NET Framework 4.5 or above (in case you are using Lite10 or so)

Download link SVI-Toolset-v1.4-Setup.msi

Note: If "Windows protected you PC" message pops up, just click on "More info" then click on "Run anyway"

Any query, please contact